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It is a well-known fact that car insurance in United Kingdom is mandatory. So, if you are driving your car on the road without insurance, you might have to pay a hefty sum as fine, which might be more than £1000. So, legally, you are bound to have car insurance, irrespective of the type of vehicle you are driving, the cost of the car, the size of the engine, and so on. However, if you have registered your vehicle as “Off Road” with the SORN or Statutory Off Road Notification, you are exempt from buying car insurance.


It is also known that in UK, there are 3 types of car insurance policies to choose from, namely, comprehensive, third party, and third part, fire, and theft. Understandably, comprehensive is perhaps the best not just from the safety and coverage aspect but also due to the fact that it is comparatively cheaper despite the fact that it offers more coverage.

How to select the best insurance company?


In order to select the best car insurance company, it is important that you identify what you are expecting from your insurance coverage. You have three options to choose from. Take one insurance policy at a time. For instance, explore the benefits and drawbacks of third party, theft, and fire, and comprehensive separately. As far as comparison is concerned, there are few aspects on the basis of which the comparison can be drawn and these points include-

  • The cost of the policy
  • Extent of coverage
  • Shopping for the insurance companies
  • Comparing costs offered by each company
  • Authenticity of the companies
  • How well these companies have dealt with clients earlier and most importantly, how successfully and honestly have they settled claims in the previous years.

Exploring coverage of each policy- What you need to check

Car insurance

An important aspect that you ought to keep in mind is that at the end of the day, every insurance company is out there to do business. As such, don’t be surprised if they try to earn profit from the policy they sell you. So, you have to select an insurance company that will make less profit, will offer good service, not try to siphon out your money without offering the service promised, and has an excellent track record.

With due diligence and a little bit of homework, you are sure to find the best insurance company to approach.

However, there are few things in the insurance checklist that you need to take into account prior to settling for the insurance company. Is the policy offering coverage for-

  • Speakers, stereo system in the car
  • Windscreen damage
  • Loss of keys
  • Theft of keys
  • Your personal belongings

Also, find out that in the event of an accident, will you be provided a courtesy vehicle, will you be able to include the names of more than one driver, will you be entitled to a dedicated car mechanic, and so on.

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