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One of the hardest things for companies that are involved in the professional service sector is making heads or tails of the best path to follow when it comes to getting commercial auto insurance for their workers.

The problem for many firms is that rather than have a fleet of cars that workers drive, they normally rely upon workers being able to show up at a client site using their own transportation. Yet, if they are contracting with a local government client, many times the contract will state that the company owner must provide commercial auto insurance for any worker that works on that contract.

To help clear up that type of situation, here are some tips that can make it easier to find a policy that will make everyone happy:

Consider doing what other service companies do:

Large or small, many firms keep a company car around to allow employees to drive to work sites when they are working on contracts that require them to be covered under company commercial auto insurance.

They normally do so because there are provisions in most commercial policies that require their designated company vehicles to be stored in a company owned or leased garage, something that is difficult to do if the car is being taken home by the employee on a regular basis. Chances are, the majority of your contracts will not come with this requirement, so you do not need to have an entire fleet available. It is a great idea to discuss this with experienced auto owners insurance companies San Antonio TX

Lining up a suitable garage is particularly important. One business owner who stored a company-owned vehicle on an apron on company property within a gated community thought it was good enough until he arrived to find out the neighbors decided his Mercedes was inconvenient and ‘moved’ it backwards with a large pickup, making the new, accordion shape of the hood remind some people of a wistful Norteno song that played while he discovered that he wasn’t in fact covered.

Look into joining their policy:

When you provide commercial liability business insurance at your office, your landlord is able to avoid insuring you because they attach their name to your insurance policy so that their liability for your premises is covered by your policy. When you are contracting and use sub-contractors that are not your employees, you can specify that they add your firm to their policy so that as long as they meet the contract limits, the client will accept the arrangement.

Provide for your workers to take mass transit to the work site:

Whether it is a shuttle bus or using the metro area transit system, employees or contractors that prove that they can commute using mass transit can be exempted from contract car insurance provisions because they have no need to be insured as drivers.

Overall, obtaining the right commercial auto insurance for your needs can be a smooth process from the auto insurance quote San Antonio TX to the signing of a policy. The key is to find the right agent.

Sam is an independent consultant writing on auto owners insurance companies San Antonio TX. His auto insurance quote San Antonio TX best practices guide is widely read.

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